Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day You’ve heard the old saying, “If Momma Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy.” This keeps many children, spouses and adults on their toes, making sure the mothers in the family get a good acknowledgement, or maybe a nice...
Overcoming Driving Fears

Overcoming Driving Fears

Overcoming Driving Fears Here is a recent success story you might enjoy. Everyday troubles really can be handled. “This was an interesting couple of days which started with a strong bias toward heavy traffic on highways travelling at great speed, large bridges over...
Are You Living the Life You Want?

Are You Living the Life You Want?

Are You Living the Life You Want? Spring break has come and gone. Passover and Easter are upon us with summer around the corner. This time of year reminds me how much I appreciate our native ability to break our chains, rise up from a bad situation and recreate our...
Saying Goodbye to 2018

Saying Goodbye to 2018

Saying Goodbye to 2018 2018 has flown by!  Here we are in the last few days of the month, and as that last day approaches and a new year begins, with it comes – DRUM ROLL – the DREADED NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION. Yeah, you know…the one that sticks part way into...
Christmas Once Again

Christmas Once Again

Christmas Once Again It is only a few days until Christmas and the New Year is right around the corner. Wow! This year just seemed to fly by just like those resolutions some of us made at the start of the year. We’ll have another chance for that in the near...
Get Rid of Your Ghosts and Demons

Get Rid of Your Ghosts and Demons

Get Rid of Your Ghosts and Demons Halloween is upon us. Many people think of bags of candy or horror movies and kids terrorizing the neighborhood with toilet paper and eggs. I’ve never been much into horror movies myself, but I can understand the game of...