
Dianetics Auditing Successes

Wow! I knew that there was some stuff to run but I would have never guessed how much charge was on these incidents over the last few days. In particular, today’s session was so powerful and was so full of charge that I am blown away that it was there. Now I’m really looking forward to the next incident to run. And just when I thought, “What could be left to run….” —FD

“I really enjoyed my auditing. I got to talk about and handle any areas I had attention on. Now I feel really good about being a mom!

I used to be terrified of going through labor, but I had wanted to be a mom my whole life. After getting my auditing I wasn’t scared and I even felt prepared for it. My labor was not the easiest, to put it lightly, and my biggest fear even came up, and I made it through without any misemotion.

I now have an AMAZING daughter that was worth every moment of it all! Thank you Abby for assisting me in attaining one of my lifetime goals!” —LL

“It has been a lifetime that I have had these feelings of not feeling worthy or competent. Reading, writing, spelling, learning and understanding materials has always been a HUGE struggle!!! I would rather die than read aloud or in front of others!

“Melissa worked with me and found the key to unlock this lifetime’s anxiety. We worked to the point that it all started to lighten and start to fall away… I am very excited by the idea that this burden can be lifted off, if not just lightened. I am looking forward to seeing how this will change the way I venture into life. There is much work ahead for me and I want and need to be as strong as I can personally to accomplish my business and life goal. This sure feels like a solid foundation has been laid for this next segment in the journey of my life!”


“Wow, what an interesting and enlightening session. With my auditor’s help, I was able to see and feel my surgery in real time. I felt the heaviness of my hands, the pain from my IV and the incisions. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I imagined it would have been. I saw that the pain from the surgery was survivable and manageable. I also felt and KNEW in real time my great relief at it being over. I took deep happy breaths as I felt the knowledge of my being okay ‘sink in’.

“I am so pleased with the feeling of peace and serenity that I now have in my conscious mind. I know that I will be here with my children and it is such a happy relief.


“Going through the process of auditing blocks/stops of events that have happened in my life, I feel a strong sense of clarity and openness.  One in particular is the belief that I could not express myself through writing.  When I cleared the collective unconscious beliefs regarding being left-handed and the fall associated with my injury to that hand, it felt like a cloud dissipating.  I now understand what was holding that belief in place.  It is gone!!

“As regards the pain in my back there have been shifts and changes taking place that is allowing the blocked energy to release itself.”


“I just completed 2 full blocks of auditing (50 hours). I knew that once I finished the first block that I had started to discover some major suppressions that I had been living with in my life. I decided that this process was so helpful that I would immediately go right into the second block.

“Some of my wins were: I found out why I was so afraid and burdened with separation anxiety from my adopted mother, because during the process I was in utero and was in touch with my biological mother. She and I knew that we had to separate but were very sad and had a hard time saying good-bye to each other. This process helped me to get rid of and understand that separation anxiety. Another win was also when I was 1 day old, unbeknownst to everyone, my biological father came to visit me secretly in the nursery. This answered many questions that I had about my biological parents. I also was able to fully grieve the death of my adopted father and mother and my grandfather’s deaths.

“This has been a life-saving experience for me! I know that I will want to continue auditing in the future to clear out more of these engrams that get in the way of truly being the best person that I can be.”


Life Repair Auditing Successes

“Life Repair was so amazing!

“I am doing much better in life and just enjoying it more. I have much more confidence in myself now. I’m having a much better time in life!

“My Life Repair made it possible for me to see where my problems were coming from and why I wasn’t doing that well before. It has really helped me see why I was having so much trouble. Because of my auditing I can communicate much better with people. I also can now see who my true friends are!

“I can’t wait to start school again and use all the tools I learned from Life Repair. And I also can’t wait to keep moving on my Bridge.”


“What a great and amazing process! I feel great about the present and confident about the future. Almost can’t put it into words!!

“Wow! It’s great to know!! Be in present time stably and see all around me! I have a strengthened desire to confront and handle what’s in my environment. I am unwavering in my knowingness!


“Working with Abby through my Life Repair was awesome. She helped me understand about myself, the ways I was communicating and interacting with my family and friends and co-workers, and help me realize that if I want better, more productive relationships, it is all about communication. We ran drills which clearly showed me that I was communicating in such a way that wasn’t me — I was reacting!

“I was able to clearly see that if I want a better home, a successful business where we constantly exchange I need to think and act based on my Analytical mind — that’s ME! – the guy who loves his family so much and enjoys his co-workers and just wants to create wins for everyone I’m around. I’m grateful for a beautiful family and a successful, purposeful business.

“Life Repair helped me see it and I’m ready to put great things “in” with my family and business and dedicate my time to continually bettering myself through going up the Bridge. I want to not only survive but thrive with my family and business. It’s very exciting! Thanks Abby.”


“I had spent 25 years diligently pursuing 12 step programs. In addition, I took up various ‘therapies’ throughout that time and while I benefited, with each I came to a point where I was no longer making progress. And so many of the old, troubling, counter-productive characteristics remained, although they had to a certain extent moderated. A good friend and business associate introduced me to Abby. Her care and concern for me was, and is, astonishing.

“I began working with Abby on my Life Repair. In the second week of this I made more progress than I had in the previous decade!

“Abby radiates joy from a place of centeredness. Her presence is an inspiration to me. And I know from the successes that I have experienced already, that I can have this joy if I continue to work with her. What can I say? Abby is an incredible human being. Knowing her has changed my life.”


“The Life Repair auditing process was powerful for me. It helped me resolve some difficulties that I have been having in several areas of my life including: my marriage, my finances, my health, my career my relationships with those closest to me and my general well-being. The entire process was enlightening and it helped me connect various experiences which I have had throughout my life and the impact that they have had on my current choices and my approach in terms of how I deal with various situations.

“I feel it has helped me in reinforcing the importance of good communication in every aspect of my life including communication and staying connected with myself. It has helped me in confronting past beliefs I have and how they impact what I see as true and it has helped me reinforce those things that are truly important in my life and those that I love and are close to me are very much a part of my life. I feel more prepared to face the everyday challenges in my life and to stay true to myself and those that I deeply care about.

“I felt that this process has helped me to tear down and remove barriers that are preventing me from being all that I can be and I am excited to get out see what’s next and put this now into action. I feel equipped to better handle ‘tough’ situations and to keep propelling further to achieve success and wins in every area of my life. My abilities to ‘choose’ in alignment with what is truly important to me feels greatly enhanced and it feels great!”


This was an extraordinary and surprising experience. The wins were often unexpected but felt very real and significant.

I wanted to achieve a better stability within myself to handled life changes and a relationship. I have definitely achieved this—so thank you.

I know there is a lot more to come—and I look forward to that. I do have to comment on my lovely; wonderful; skilled; gentle and encouraging auditor. I felt very safe in her hands and very encouraged to achieve my wins and my goal. I also really valued the correctness and precision of the areas covered—they were just right.


I had more wins!   Wow!  I realized our sessions are getting more and more exciting, like an adventure every time.  What I realized today is that I have had all these thoughts or feelings in this lifetime and just saying them out loud, validating them, erases or handles the most charge.

One question from Theodosia and my mind spins through the movie that is my life – it absolutely amazes me!

I also realized those things that have held such a charge no longer hold. Had it not been for auditing, I couldn’t even talk about being a mother, wife or my household without doubt, fear, anxiety and all the negative feelings. Now I can be honest with myself when asked and the charge does not spin my head and make me doubt myself!

I have tears of joy as I finish my last session on this last day of my week here.

I have realized how freeing and liberating it has been being in session and being with Theodosia where I had the ability and comfort to be completely honest with my thoughts, actions and beliefs.  I realized with the help of Theodosia that through Scientology I can be truly free and true to my spirit.

I have had so many gains and wins and I got there with the guidance of the Tech and Theodosia.  Now my life really begins. —VR

“This was an interesting couple of days which started with a strong bias toward heavy traffic on highways travelling at great speed, large bridges over massive vast bodies of water, a specific vehicle and pre-conceived thoughts on what a vehicle should be. This experience with Angelika can be considered transformational, in that it shifted and changed my way of biased thinking.

“I have for a long time feared and avoided driving in some situations; thinking of “bad things” that could occur. I would be anxious and fearful and often times get extremely agitated in heavy traffic. I did not feel agitated or anxious during my drive yesterday.

“This process helped me review my thoughts on what Havingness meant and although all these things of what a car “OUGHT” to be are very nice and helpful and certainly can make a trip more enjoyable, that they are not always a necessary part of being able to get to where I want to go.

“The auditing and processes helped me to realize that staying and being in present time is the road to a stable, enjoyable and safe journey.

“Staying in P.T. and enjoying the moment, the people I am with, the beautiful scenery and certainly the thoughts and images that lead to a stable, certain and enjoyable journey.

“The process reminds me of how important it is to stay in present time as part of always creating a stable and happy NOW.” — GV

“Doing Life Repair has helped me communicate better with others! And be more aware of things around me, which has helped me with being less anxious when I am driving.  It also helped me at work.”
“I learned a lot about my responsibility and how I should be more cause over myself which has made me feel a lot better when I go to do things!”
“It has also helped me improve my relationship with others and I learned how to better handle people.” – MR 
“I feel like a superhero!! with all the auditing I did, clearing of all the Scn C/S-1 words, O/Ws and other processes that I can’t name at the moment.  
I definitely feel like I had case gain! 
I feel much more confident overall about everything in my life!! 
Someone I know even said that they noticed a change in my singing and approaching of people for the better since I started this auditing .” – SG

Purification Rundown Successes

Thank you Abby. It was exactly what we had hoped it would be in terms of working on the program at home. We never would have gotten around to doing it otherwise, so the service you provided (and provide) is really more than just a standard purif, it is a magic wand solution that opens the way for people to get over a very steep hurdle and lands them in position to continue up the Bridge. For that we are both very very grateful, and want to thank you for helping us make it go right! —RF

“My objective for the Purification Rundown was to rid my body of any impurities such as meds, Radiation and any other toxic substances. I feel like I have released tons of radiation but did not realize the amount of medications that I also released. Looking back at the first 2 weeks, I was walking around in a fog, feeling like a cloud over me, slightly depressed, anxious to get through the Purif.

“As the weeks went on I have had less and less of those feelings. I wanted to blame my eye discharge on the salt from my sweat and feeling gloomy because of the long days! However, the days are no longer feeling long. I am not tired, I get more done in a shorter period of time.

“I have no discharge from my eyes. I am not getting headaches. I am sleeping better. I am not over-reacting to situations at hand. I feel like I am not being restimulated by previous exposures to radiation, meds or toxins. I feel like I am ready to move forward and improve mentally and spiritually without worrying about exposures.”


“No one said the Purification Rundown was going to be easy! Especially for the first time. In the beginning it was difficult but as time went by it got better and better. I had so many reactions but the best part was I could feel all toxins, preservatives coming out.

“I was a heavy nail biter but then in the sauna something just clicked and I stopped, noticing day by day I felt better. Towards the end I felt amazing! Each day I got back from the Purif I felt like the happiest person alive – not only that but full of energy.

“I am not always tired now – I’m not down about anything. I feel like my body has got rid of all the chemicals and toxins etc. I felt my sweat was feeling disgusting but as time when by it got a lot cleaner. I felt like nothing else was coming out but water – but not just my sweat got clean but I could tell my vision got better and all my senses were heightened to the point that I didn’t know was possible for me.

“The Purif made me feel like I had a brand new start and also made me more able than I used to be.”


“My objective for the Purif was to rid my body of any impurities such as meds, Radiation and any other toxic substances. I feel like I have released tons of radiation but did not realize the amount of medications that I also released. Looking back at the first 2 weeks, I was walking around in a fog, feeling like a cloud over me, slightly depressed, anxious to get through the Purif.

“As the weeks went on I have had less and less of those feelings. I wanted to blame my eye discharge on the salt from my sweat and feeling gloomy because of the long days! However, the days are no longer feeling long. I am not tired, I get more done in a shorter period of time.

“I have no discharge from my eyes. I am not getting headaches. I am sleeping better. I am not over-reacting to situations at hand. I feel like I am not being restimulated by previous exposures to radiation, meds or toxins. I feel like I am ready to move forward and improve mentally and spiritually without worrying about exposures. 

Completion Success Story

Now that I have completed the Purification Rundown I am excited to move forward and excel in life. I believe I will not have any restimulative toxins holding me back. I believe I will have improved mental capabilities and a better spiritual outlook.” —BF

Marriage Counseling Successes

“It was with great relief today that I handled a traumatic argument that my husband and I had several years ago that nearly ruined our marriage. In session with Abby I had a huge ‘AH HAH’ moment when I realized what was at the bottom of this upset! I am left truly amazed at feeling so much affection and respect for my husband now. It has been wonderful for me to have this chance to save our marriage! I’m totally stoked about that!”


“I have had some really great wins concerning my marriage as a result of my Dianetics and Scientology auditing! For instance, I am actually able to discuss money issues with my husband calmly and rationally and this was definitely not the case a year ago! My greatly improved ability to communicate with others, not react, has boosted my real estate career to another level. I am much more capable and staying calm in stressful situations keeps the communication lines open and deals moving forward. A client last week told me I was ‘a dream’ to work with! I love it! I feel good, I’m sleeping well, I’m happy and I so appreciate my wonderful husband and just thinking about all the wins makes me smile! And I know I’m getting better and better. Very exciting!”


Other Processing Successes

“What a process! The Happiness Rundown has brought down some old memories with a thundering crash! Past transgressions and acts which have stood in the way and prevented me from being all that I can be were clearly tagged and identified. They seem much like land mines that are to be carefully navigated for caution of stepping on one which could result in a catastrophic reaction. Hard to live and be happy with such a cautious and tenuous approach to life!

“The Happiness Rundown ran through the areas of my life where such land mines existed. These were identified and the reason or valence of their existence was also exposed. The rundown detonated these bombs of pain and non-confront; and squashed them away to reveal a clearer path to joy and happiness and doing good – a greater good for all things.


I’ve enjoyed doing my communications processes. It’s opened my eyes to different viewpoints about communication. Before doing this grade, I can see areas where I would cut communication with different types of people or not be open to receive communication from them. I no longer feel that way and believe I can communicate with many types of people about anything. Also, by being able to communicate with so many more people I will have increased affinity, reality and communication with them which will improve my life and theirs. It’s really very exciting!

Thanks to my auditor Angelika for getting me through this grade an always supporting me.


My Grade 1 (Problems Release) Success Story is a self validating exercise in how I have always been able to understand, assimilate, dissect and solve problems. It has always been my strength and I have been able to apply it historically in my educational studies and in my profession, which has allowed me to earn a livelihood for the last 35 years plus. This process was unique in that it has allowed me to zero in on those areas of my life where I have occasionally encountered problems due to habitual patterns, fixed beliefs, false beliefs and just not being aware of other solution options. This process has brought these to my attention and not in a subtle way. Its been a revelation to see the role that communication breakdown has played in the manifestation of such problems. (Click here to read more.)


I have been auditing since October with Workable Life Solutions field practice. It has been wonderful! My auditor, Theodosia, has been fantastic! I just completed my program with Theodosia! ?

When I first came here, I was in the grips of a sudden and unexpected loss that I was dealing with. I needed help to find my way. Then, I started auditing here. I have gained sooooo much in these past few months. I have had profound realizations!

Furthermore, the ARC I developed with Theodosia has been fantastic. She has been helpful, understanding and compassionate. Her home has become a safe space for me. She really helped me through this and kept me focused on my Bridge and progress. As a result, I am much happier, more productive and in much better shape than I was a few months ago. I have had amazing wins with every session and even some floating TAs! I can’t say enough about how wonderful this experience has been for me… at a time when I really needed it.

I want thank Theodosia for all her help. I want to thank Abby (R.I.P.) for getting me started. I want to thank my C/S for keeping my program on track. Lastly, I really want to thank LRH for creating these amazing processes.

Thank you all for a truly life-changing experience.


This Grade has really opened my eyes!  The confessional helped me to see how things that I thought had been done to me were actually things I had done to others.  Being able to see that has really helped me to have a more causative viewpoint in my life instead of just thinking that others are out to get me. This data will help me in the future when I start to get critical about things, because I can stop and look at it and find out what I did to them that made me feel critical to being with and then I can handle it better.

Thanks to my Auditor Ingrid, and to LRH.


This Grade was short and sweet but really eye opening.  I learned so much about change in all four flows and feel more able to see if there was a change, no change or failed change.  This data helped me to find stable datums where I haven’t felt stable.  I am so excited to use this data in my life to help myself and others.


This grade was amazing! I got to handle thing that were blocking me from attaining the happiness I desired.  I feel freer and see how service facsimiles played a part in that.  So, it was really great to get all that sorted out. I’m much more grateful for a lot of things in my life and have a clearer mind to go after my goals, Thanks!!

Special thank to my mom, dad, LRH and my auditor Liliana.


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