Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 26, 2019

It is a wonderful time of year and a good time to take a few minutes out of your busy day to take stock of those things you are thankful for. Maybe it is an old friend who has been there for you when you needed someone, a friendly face at the market, or a new opportunity that has fallen in your lap.

Whatever it is, a good acknowledgement goes a long way. It can be enjoyable for both the giver and receiver.

Showing gratitude to others is a way to let them know they matter and that they are appreciated.

Thanksgiving is a good reason to get together with family or friends and enjoy the best of each other. And then there is always the pie to be grateful for….

Take a few moments to find 3 things you are thankful for this year. Thank those who helped make these things happen. And go enjoy some pie!


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